

电话:905-731-2266                地址:Suite 105/106, 95 Mural St. Richmond Hill, ON L4B3G2 



在这个地图上,统计数据可以按多级分区方式查询,每个分区有自己的代码(Geographic code)。

最小分区方式是DB(dissemination blocks),大致翻译过来是“街道范围”,其次是“DB”组成的DA(dissemination area,宣传区域),地理代码八位数字。

然后若干“DA”组成CT(Census Tracts,人口普查区域),地理代码七位数字加小数点后两位。

皮尔区风光不再:中产萎缩 贫富悬殊




领导该个名为“社区改变研究伙伴”(Neighourhood Change Research Partnership)的研究计划的多大社会工作系教授赫查斯基(David Hulchanski)博士认为,这情况值得关注,因为根据外国经验,当一个社会愈不公平时,民众的分歧便愈大。造成壁叠分明现象的原因,除了种族因素外,也与收入悬殊息息相关。


  踏入3月﹐又迎来了报税季节。皮尔区域政府人事部和安省注册会计师协会合作﹐将再次为低收入家庭和个人提供免费报税服务。 整个项目将持续3、4两个月﹐在皮尔区3处地方展开。

多伦多警方搜丽晶园民宅 检3枪拘1人

针对多市丽晶园上月发生15岁男童贝利(Tyson Bailey)被枪杀的凶案,多市警方昨晨在丽晶园采取扫荡行动,检获3支高火力且已上弹的手枪。
警方昨天早上带同搜查令,前往丽晶园Blevins Place 22号的一间独立屋搜查,探员在屋内检获3把已上满子弹的手枪,行动中拘捕一名41岁男子Otis McLeod。该间独立屋距离上月18日贝利遇害的柏文大厦不过一箭之遥。
警方昨天亦发出一名疑犯的照片,该名男子是21岁的Dexter Taylor-Bailey,多市居民,涉与藏毒和藏有非法枪械等罪行有关。警方称,1月30日拘捕此案的另一名疑犯、她是24岁多市女子Nicole Fetterly,探员当日在丽晶园附近的乔治南街的一间独立屋内拘捕被告,并检获一支高火力手枪、以及毒品可卡因和部分贼赃。


Keele Valley Landfill

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A sign notifying visitors that the site is closed

The Keele Valley Landfill was the largest landfill in Canada and the third largest in North America[1] during its operation. It was the primary landfill site for the City of Toronto and the regional municipalities of York and Durham from 1983 until 2002, and was owned and operated by the City of Toronto.[2] It was located at the intersection of Keele Street and McNaughton Road in Maple, a community in the northeastern part of the City of Vaughan in Ontario.

In 1985, the initial portion of a landfill gas collection system was installed to reduce emissions and associated odours emanating into the nearby community. This has been used to generate electricity, which it has continued to do since the landfill's closing, sufficient to power 20,000 homes.

The facility is registered in the National Pollutant Release Inventory, with site identification number 7371.[3] The site emitted about 314 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gases in 2007.[4]

In 2002, the site was identified by the Government of Ontario as an Area of High Aquifer Vulnerability, which would prohibit waste disposal and organic soil conditioning facilities being built or operating there per the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan.[5] Vaughan's Official Plan Amendment 604 (OPA 604) specified that the site would be redeveloped as an open public space.[5]

上传: 李丁